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Issues uploading a photo

Troubleshooting why your photo may not be uploading.

Tanya Santos avatar
Written by Tanya Santos
Updated over a week ago

File size
The minimum file size that we accept on Unsplash is 5 megapixels.

For a standard landscape orientation photo, 5 megapixels is at least 2500 by 2000 pixels in size.

If the photo you are trying to submit is smaller than this, you’ll be shown an error message when uploading and the photo will not complete the submission process.

File type

We only accept .jpg and .jpeg files. Other file types will not be able to upload.

Still having issues? We're here to help!
If you have already checked the file size in pixels, and your photo still isn't uploading, drop us an email at Be sure to attach the photo that you are having issues uploading along with your Unsplash username or profile url. 👍

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