Quality Standards
Unsplash+ contributors should adhere to the highest quality standards expected from acceptance into the program. To read more about Unsplash+ quality standards, read our article here.
Unsplash+ contributors should consistently follow the Unsplash+ submission guidelines ensuring work is free of brands, logos, trademarks, have required model or property releases properly filled out, submissions are curated and follow the editing guidelines.
Contributor Agreement
Unsplash+ contributors must adhere to the agreements outlined in the contract provided to you.
Any violation of the program's contract terms will result in a warning following removal from the program.
Community Guidelines
Respect the rights and dignity of other community members and the Unsplash team.
Engage in open and honest communication with the community and the Unsplash team.
Maintain and safe and inclusive environment for all members of the community regardless of their background or identity.
In summary, being a part of the Unsplash+ program requires adherence to quality standards, contract terms, and community guidelines that promote respect, inclusivity, and safety.